It has, I believe, been a good year for the Association for Geographic Information (AGI) - my employers.
Firstly we have had a good year financially. For the fourth year in a row, we have posted a surplus. This has come from reducing our adminstration costs and increasing our revenue, particularly from membership subscriptions and from our annual conference. The current economic climate will give us some challenges next year, but we start with a firm financial base.
It has been a good year for the recognition of our unique place within GI and our ability to respond to Government initiatives swiftly and with authority. We can reflect a very wide range of opinion and can do so with clarity.
I think the AGI team have worked well this year. There are only 6 of us in the team and we have delivered a programme which belies our small size.
The volunteers have played a huge part in our success. Without a sense of purpose there would be no point to AGI. Our volunteers, through the AGI Council, our Special Interest Groups and our Regional Groups have given us that sense of purpose.
We have become more professional and have recognised the importance of providing our members with recognisable continuing professional development.
We are an important, I might even dare to say an indispensible, part of our industry. We are voice for the cutting edge of GIS innovation and at the same time a voice for gaining the widest possible benefits from that innovation. We are listened to by government and at the same time a catalyst for commercial progress.
I believe that we can look back with pride on what we have collectively achieved in 2008 and can look forward with confidence to what we can achieve in 2009.
Onwards and upwards.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Saturday, 20 December 2008
The language of Geograpghy (3)
A final thought for this year on the language of geography. I was amazed that my previous blog on this subject was picked up by a number of other bloggers and also led to some articles in ´GIS Professional´ magazine. I obviously struck some sort of chord.
So I guess my hopes are that in 2009, those who are putting forward ideas in GIS either in print or as a presentation, take some care of the language they use so that it makes their topic accessible to all. Spread the word by all means, but make those words understandable.
I am once again on the Action Working Group tasked with organising the AGI 2009 conference. When the papers are submitted, I shall be looking at the language used as well as at the concepts or case studies being highlighted. Misunderstandings which arose occasionally from this years conference were partly due to the fact that the language used by one person was interpreted incorrectly by another person.
´Clarity of ideas´ is perhaps my hope for next year.
So I guess my hopes are that in 2009, those who are putting forward ideas in GIS either in print or as a presentation, take some care of the language they use so that it makes their topic accessible to all. Spread the word by all means, but make those words understandable.
I am once again on the Action Working Group tasked with organising the AGI 2009 conference. When the papers are submitted, I shall be looking at the language used as well as at the concepts or case studies being highlighted. Misunderstandings which arose occasionally from this years conference were partly due to the fact that the language used by one person was interpreted incorrectly by another person.
´Clarity of ideas´ is perhaps my hope for next year.
Friday, 17 October 2008
The Rain in Spain
Apparently it sometimes rains in Malaga even when I am not there.
Here is a report from 'Sur' -
'The bad weather over the last few days has meant considerable movement of sand on the Malaga province coastline. La Caleta beach in Malaga city is where the worst damage has been reported so far and it coincides with regeneration work, to cost six million euros, which is due to start tomorrow.
Francisco Javier Hermoso from the Andalucía-Mediterranean Coasts Authority explained in a press release that the biggest movements have involved the forming of sand "steps", some of them "a metre and a half" high.
As well as the damage caused by the wind and rain in La Caleta, beaches in Fuengirola have been affected and washed up 'steps' of sand have also formed on the Ferrara beach in Torrox
In general sand has been lost from all the beaches in the province though less than would have been expected given the weather. The Coasts Authority will now analyse the situation on the beaches in preparation for regeneration work which will need to be done in April or May next year in advance of the high summer season.
Work, which will start in La Caleta tomorrow, involves building breakwaters and replacing 500,000 square metres of sand.'
And it's not only rain, but mosquitos and bugs which are being blown into Malaga. At least I think that is what this report in today's 'Que!'is saying -
'El cambio climático y el transporte de mercancías transfronterizo parecen estar en la base de la proliferación de plagas urbanas. Expertos aseguran que especies como las chinches o los piojos encuentran buen refugio en nuestro país. La ‘chinche de cama’, por ejemplo, “ha aumentado su presencia en la Costa del Sol y Galicia”, según explica Milagros Fernández de Lezeta, directora
de la Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Control de Plagas. También las moscas han llegado antes este otoño y al parecer lo han hecho de forma masiva en Málaga.'
Another consequence of climate change.
Here is a report from 'Sur' -
'The bad weather over the last few days has meant considerable movement of sand on the Malaga province coastline. La Caleta beach in Malaga city is where the worst damage has been reported so far and it coincides with regeneration work, to cost six million euros, which is due to start tomorrow.
Francisco Javier Hermoso from the Andalucía-Mediterranean Coasts Authority explained in a press release that the biggest movements have involved the forming of sand "steps", some of them "a metre and a half" high.
As well as the damage caused by the wind and rain in La Caleta, beaches in Fuengirola have been affected and washed up 'steps' of sand have also formed on the Ferrara beach in Torrox
In general sand has been lost from all the beaches in the province though less than would have been expected given the weather. The Coasts Authority will now analyse the situation on the beaches in preparation for regeneration work which will need to be done in April or May next year in advance of the high summer season.
Work, which will start in La Caleta tomorrow, involves building breakwaters and replacing 500,000 square metres of sand.'
And it's not only rain, but mosquitos and bugs which are being blown into Malaga. At least I think that is what this report in today's 'Que!'is saying -
'El cambio climático y el transporte de mercancías transfronterizo parecen estar en la base de la proliferación de plagas urbanas. Expertos aseguran que especies como las chinches o los piojos encuentran buen refugio en nuestro país. La ‘chinche de cama’, por ejemplo, “ha aumentado su presencia en la Costa del Sol y Galicia”, según explica Milagros Fernández de Lezeta, directora
de la Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Control de Plagas. También las moscas han llegado antes este otoño y al parecer lo han hecho de forma masiva en Málaga.'
Another consequence of climate change.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Quiz answers
Below are the answers to the quiz questions posted a few days ago. The winning team at our Conference scored 40/60, so if you came close to that, well done!
1 -Sydney
2 -New York
3 -Kendall (mint cake) first made 1869 – mistake in producing glacier mints
4 -Timbuktu (Djinguereber Mosque completed 1327 mainly mud&straw)
5 -Budapest
6 -Prague (Mozart Symphony 38 performed Prague 1787)
7 -Reykjavik
8 - Melbourne (Jason & Kylie – Neighbours Ramsay Street)
9 - San Francisco
10 - St Albans (Roman citizenship AD50 torched by Boudica AD61)
11 – Trumpton (members of fire brigade – never attended a fire because animation too difficult)
12 – Barcelona. (When dubbed into Spanish, the waiter became Paolo from Naples)
13 – Notting Hill
14 – Kansas (because of TV screenings, most watched film in history)
15 – Denton, Ohio. The Rocky Horror Picture Show.1975
16 – London –Born/died in Austria living in London in 1795
17 -Auvergne (Published 1923 – 1930) Chants D’Auvergne
18 – Texas (named after movie Paris, Texas)
19 – France (Bonnie Tyler)
20 – Moscow (played before news broadcasts on Radio Moscow)
21 – Dumfries (known as the doon hamers – doon hame)
22 – Pittsburg (steel industry)
23 – Paris 1900, 1924 (home city of Baron De Coubertin)
24 – Nottingham Forest (Twice 1979, 1980 – only winners to drop to third division)
25 – Canada (Moncton, New Brunswick) Invented by Scots but rarely won by them
26 – Singapore - sling Ngiam Tong Boon – Raffles Hotel
27 – Spain (Catalan dish)
28 – Iceland (Icelandic prohibition, government skull, crossbones on labels)
29 – Afghanistan
30 – South Africa (created 1925 Stellenbosh University)
31 – Rubicon (boundary Italy & Gaul. became an invader in Italy and am enemy of Pompey & the senate)
32 – Houston. Houston, Tranquility Base here; the Eagle has landed
33 – Naseby
34 – Paddington (opened January 1863 38,000 on first day)
35 – Manchester (Demonstration for parliamentary reform – 15 died, 400 injured military authorities)
36 – Teheran (prior to Yalta)
37 – West Lothian – Tam Dalyell
38 – Rome
39 – Cape Town 1960
40 – Witney, Oxfordshire
41 – Paris
42 – Shanghai (invaded following the bombing of Pearl Harbour)
43 – Westminster (September 3rd 1802)
44 – San Francisco
45 – Botswana in the books by Alexander McCall Smith
46 – Canada (Ontario – Alec Guiness spoke first lines in 1953)
47 – Birnham Wood – (witches said he would be safe – used Malcolm’s army as camoflauge to attack Dunsinane castle)
48 – Verona
49 – Henley Street (1564)
50 – Milford Haven (Cymbeline – the heroine Imogen runs away to MH described as city of treachery and wickedness)
51 – Tewkesbury
52 – River Lagan (mouth of river in Belfast)
53 - Great Dunmow
54 – The London Underground
55 – New Forest.
56 – Victoria (second largest freshwater lake by surface area, seventh largest by volume)
57 – Berlin – (52 10, 52 20, 52 30 N)
58 – Zagreb (Croatia)
59 – Flanders (Flanders & Swann, Gerard Mercator, born Rupelmonde, Flanders)
60 – Novosibirsk (Academgorodok, Maxim Vengerov, River Ob, Eclipse)
1 -Sydney
2 -New York
3 -Kendall (mint cake) first made 1869 – mistake in producing glacier mints
4 -Timbuktu (Djinguereber Mosque completed 1327 mainly mud&straw)
5 -Budapest
6 -Prague (Mozart Symphony 38 performed Prague 1787)
7 -Reykjavik
8 - Melbourne (Jason & Kylie – Neighbours Ramsay Street)
9 - San Francisco
10 - St Albans (Roman citizenship AD50 torched by Boudica AD61)
11 – Trumpton (members of fire brigade – never attended a fire because animation too difficult)
12 – Barcelona. (When dubbed into Spanish, the waiter became Paolo from Naples)
13 – Notting Hill
14 – Kansas (because of TV screenings, most watched film in history)
15 – Denton, Ohio. The Rocky Horror Picture Show.1975
16 – London –Born/died in Austria living in London in 1795
17 -Auvergne (Published 1923 – 1930) Chants D’Auvergne
18 – Texas (named after movie Paris, Texas)
19 – France (Bonnie Tyler)
20 – Moscow (played before news broadcasts on Radio Moscow)
21 – Dumfries (known as the doon hamers – doon hame)
22 – Pittsburg (steel industry)
23 – Paris 1900, 1924 (home city of Baron De Coubertin)
24 – Nottingham Forest (Twice 1979, 1980 – only winners to drop to third division)
25 – Canada (Moncton, New Brunswick) Invented by Scots but rarely won by them
26 – Singapore - sling Ngiam Tong Boon – Raffles Hotel
27 – Spain (Catalan dish)
28 – Iceland (Icelandic prohibition, government skull, crossbones on labels)
29 – Afghanistan
30 – South Africa (created 1925 Stellenbosh University)
31 – Rubicon (boundary Italy & Gaul. became an invader in Italy and am enemy of Pompey & the senate)
32 – Houston. Houston, Tranquility Base here; the Eagle has landed
33 – Naseby
34 – Paddington (opened January 1863 38,000 on first day)
35 – Manchester (Demonstration for parliamentary reform – 15 died, 400 injured military authorities)
36 – Teheran (prior to Yalta)
37 – West Lothian – Tam Dalyell
38 – Rome
39 – Cape Town 1960
40 – Witney, Oxfordshire
41 – Paris
42 – Shanghai (invaded following the bombing of Pearl Harbour)
43 – Westminster (September 3rd 1802)
44 – San Francisco
45 – Botswana in the books by Alexander McCall Smith
46 – Canada (Ontario – Alec Guiness spoke first lines in 1953)
47 – Birnham Wood – (witches said he would be safe – used Malcolm’s army as camoflauge to attack Dunsinane castle)
48 – Verona
49 – Henley Street (1564)
50 – Milford Haven (Cymbeline – the heroine Imogen runs away to MH described as city of treachery and wickedness)
51 – Tewkesbury
52 – River Lagan (mouth of river in Belfast)
53 - Great Dunmow
54 – The London Underground
55 – New Forest.
56 – Victoria (second largest freshwater lake by surface area, seventh largest by volume)
57 – Berlin – (52 10, 52 20, 52 30 N)
58 – Zagreb (Croatia)
59 – Flanders (Flanders & Swann, Gerard Mercator, born Rupelmonde, Flanders)
60 – Novosibirsk (Academgorodok, Maxim Vengerov, River Ob, Eclipse)
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
A Very Spatial Quiz (part 2)
Here is the second part of the quiz I ran at our Annual Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. Answers in a few days. Remember, every answer is a location or has a location as part of the answer.
Round 2 – Television & Film
Question 11 – Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble & Grub live in which fictitious town?
Question 12 – In Fawlty Towers, which city did Manuel come from?
Question 13 – Which 1999 film, named after the district in London in which it was set, was directed by Roger Mitchell and written by Richard Curtis?
Question 14 – To which American state does Dorothy return at the end of the Wizard of Oz?
Question 15 – ‘It seemed a fairly ordinary night when Brad Majors and his fiancee Janet Weiss left that late November evening. It’s true there were dark storm clouds, heavy, black and pendulous, toward which they were driving. It’s true also that the spare tyre they were carrying was badly in need of some air. But they, being normal kids and on a night out, were not going to let a storm spoil the events of their evening.’
From which American town were they driving?
Round 3 - Music
Question 16 – Joseph Haydn’s final, and possibly best known, symphony, no 104 in D major, is named after the city in which it was composed. Which city?
Question 17 – In the 1920’s, Joseph Canteloube collected and orchestrated a collection of songs from which region of France?
Question 18 – Before going solo, of which band was Sharleen Spiteri the lead singer?
Question 19 – In which country in 1976 did Gaynor Hopkins get lost?
Question 20 – Hidden tune (this question was in fact sung). Which city –
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Всё здесь замерло до утра.
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера,
Round 4 - Sport
Question 21 – Scottish football clubs often have names which do not mention the home town – Albion Rovers, St Mirren etc. In 2008, one of these, Queen of the South, reached their first ever cup final. There was rejoicing in the streets of… where? What is the home town of Queen of the South?
Question 22 – In American Football, the Steelers come from which city.
Question 23 – Which was the first city to host the modern summer Olympics twice?
Question 24 – Which is the only soccer club to have won the European Cup / Champions League more often than they have won their own national league?
Question 25 – Which country, world champions 30 times in the past 50 years, will host the 2009 men’s world curling championships?
Round 5 – Food & Drink
Question 26 – A mixture of gin, cherry brandy, Cointreau, Benedictine, pineapple juice, lime juice, grenadine and angostura bitters, this cocktail was first slung together at the turn of the century in a hotel in which city.
Question 27 – Zarzuela is both a comic opera and a seafood stew in which country.
Question 28 – Brennivin also known as Black Death and made from fermented potato mash, is the national drink of which country?
Question 29 – Serat is a cheese made from sheep’s milk and dipped in beeswax to preserve it during long journeys, predominantly in which country?
Question 30 – Pinotage is a red wine grape in which country.
Round 6 - History
Question 31 – In 49BC, Caesar reportedly said ‘The Die is Cast’ upon crossing which river?
Question 32 – Which geographical location was the first word spoken from the moon?
Question 33 – The decisive battle of the English Civil War took place on 14th June 1645 and resulted in defeat for King Charles’s army. Where?
Question 34 – In 1863 the world’s first underground railway was opened in London, running from Farringdon to where?
Question 35 – In which city in 1819 did the Peterloo massacre take place.
Round 7 – Politics
Question 36 – In November 1943 Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt had a conference to plan strategy against the Nazis in which city?
Question 37 – Which location has given its name to the supposed paradox of Scottish MPs voting on English legislation when, because of devolution, English MPs cannot always vote on Scottish legislation?
Question 38 – The EU was established in 1957 by a treaty signed in which city?
Question 39 – The wind of change is blowing through this continent. In which city did Harold Macmillan say these words.
Question 40 – Tory leader David Cameron is the MP for which constituency?
Round 8 - Literature
Question 41 – Dicken’s a Tale of Two cities refers to London and which other city.
Question 42 – J G Ballard’s Empire of the Sun is set in which Asian city?
Question 43 – ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair’. Those words were written by Wordsworth whilst standing upon which bridge?
Question 44 – In Armistead Maupin’s Tales of the City series, the central characters lived at 28 Barbary Lane. In which city?
Question 45 – In which country did Ma Ramotswe set up the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency.
Round 9 – Shakespeare
Question 46 – In which Commonwealth country, excluding the UK, is there a town called Stratford on a river called Avon which has run a festival of Shakespearian Theatre for over 50 years.
Question 47 – Macbeth was deemed to be safe until which seemingly immovable object, moved?
Question 48 – Romeo, Romeo wherefore art though Romeo? We all know he was beneath the balcony, but in which city?
Question 49 – Shakepeare was born in Stratford upon Avon, but in which street?
Question 50 – Which is the only place in Wales which gets a significant mentioned in one of Shakespeare’s plays?
Round 10 – British Isles
Question 51 – The River Avon which flows through Stratford eventually joins the River Severn in which town?
Question 52 – Which river forms most of the boundary between Co Antrim and Co Down?
Question 53 - In which British town can a married couple win a flitch of bacon if they can persuade a jury of 6 maidens and 6 bachelors that in twelvemonth and a day they have never wished themselves unmarried.
Question 54 – What did Henry Beck map out in 1932
Question 55 – Most of Britain’s national parks were designated in the 1950’s, the Peak District being the first. But the newest national park was designated in 2006. Which one is it.?
Round 11 – World Geography
Question 56 – What is the largest lake through which the equator passes?
Question 57 – Which is further north – Stratford-Upon-Avon, Amsterdam or Berlin?
Question 58 – If all capital cities in the world were listed alphabetically, which would come last?
Question 59 – What links the singing partner of a mud-loving Swan and the birthplace in 1512 of the father of modern scientific cartography?
Question 60 – Name this city. Located 55 degrees north and 83 degrees east, it became in 1962 the youngest city in the world with a population of over 1m. Head for the station, and you can take a train westwards for 2 days without leaving the country. Change platforms and you can take a train eastwards for 4 days also without leaving the country. Head down the street past the sign to the academic town 30 km away and past the concert hall where its most famous son still occasionally plays and you will arrive at a river with a short name but a long journey – it will flow for a further 2000km northwards. On August 1st 2008 the city had a dark day. Which city?
Round 2 – Television & Film
Question 11 – Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble & Grub live in which fictitious town?
Question 12 – In Fawlty Towers, which city did Manuel come from?
Question 13 – Which 1999 film, named after the district in London in which it was set, was directed by Roger Mitchell and written by Richard Curtis?
Question 14 – To which American state does Dorothy return at the end of the Wizard of Oz?
Question 15 – ‘It seemed a fairly ordinary night when Brad Majors and his fiancee Janet Weiss left that late November evening. It’s true there were dark storm clouds, heavy, black and pendulous, toward which they were driving. It’s true also that the spare tyre they were carrying was badly in need of some air. But they, being normal kids and on a night out, were not going to let a storm spoil the events of their evening.’
From which American town were they driving?
Round 3 - Music
Question 16 – Joseph Haydn’s final, and possibly best known, symphony, no 104 in D major, is named after the city in which it was composed. Which city?
Question 17 – In the 1920’s, Joseph Canteloube collected and orchestrated a collection of songs from which region of France?
Question 18 – Before going solo, of which band was Sharleen Spiteri the lead singer?
Question 19 – In which country in 1976 did Gaynor Hopkins get lost?
Question 20 – Hidden tune (this question was in fact sung). Which city –
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Всё здесь замерло до утра.
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера,
Round 4 - Sport
Question 21 – Scottish football clubs often have names which do not mention the home town – Albion Rovers, St Mirren etc. In 2008, one of these, Queen of the South, reached their first ever cup final. There was rejoicing in the streets of… where? What is the home town of Queen of the South?
Question 22 – In American Football, the Steelers come from which city.
Question 23 – Which was the first city to host the modern summer Olympics twice?
Question 24 – Which is the only soccer club to have won the European Cup / Champions League more often than they have won their own national league?
Question 25 – Which country, world champions 30 times in the past 50 years, will host the 2009 men’s world curling championships?
Round 5 – Food & Drink
Question 26 – A mixture of gin, cherry brandy, Cointreau, Benedictine, pineapple juice, lime juice, grenadine and angostura bitters, this cocktail was first slung together at the turn of the century in a hotel in which city.
Question 27 – Zarzuela is both a comic opera and a seafood stew in which country.
Question 28 – Brennivin also known as Black Death and made from fermented potato mash, is the national drink of which country?
Question 29 – Serat is a cheese made from sheep’s milk and dipped in beeswax to preserve it during long journeys, predominantly in which country?
Question 30 – Pinotage is a red wine grape in which country.
Round 6 - History
Question 31 – In 49BC, Caesar reportedly said ‘The Die is Cast’ upon crossing which river?
Question 32 – Which geographical location was the first word spoken from the moon?
Question 33 – The decisive battle of the English Civil War took place on 14th June 1645 and resulted in defeat for King Charles’s army. Where?
Question 34 – In 1863 the world’s first underground railway was opened in London, running from Farringdon to where?
Question 35 – In which city in 1819 did the Peterloo massacre take place.
Round 7 – Politics
Question 36 – In November 1943 Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt had a conference to plan strategy against the Nazis in which city?
Question 37 – Which location has given its name to the supposed paradox of Scottish MPs voting on English legislation when, because of devolution, English MPs cannot always vote on Scottish legislation?
Question 38 – The EU was established in 1957 by a treaty signed in which city?
Question 39 – The wind of change is blowing through this continent. In which city did Harold Macmillan say these words.
Question 40 – Tory leader David Cameron is the MP for which constituency?
Round 8 - Literature
Question 41 – Dicken’s a Tale of Two cities refers to London and which other city.
Question 42 – J G Ballard’s Empire of the Sun is set in which Asian city?
Question 43 – ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair’. Those words were written by Wordsworth whilst standing upon which bridge?
Question 44 – In Armistead Maupin’s Tales of the City series, the central characters lived at 28 Barbary Lane. In which city?
Question 45 – In which country did Ma Ramotswe set up the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency.
Round 9 – Shakespeare
Question 46 – In which Commonwealth country, excluding the UK, is there a town called Stratford on a river called Avon which has run a festival of Shakespearian Theatre for over 50 years.
Question 47 – Macbeth was deemed to be safe until which seemingly immovable object, moved?
Question 48 – Romeo, Romeo wherefore art though Romeo? We all know he was beneath the balcony, but in which city?
Question 49 – Shakepeare was born in Stratford upon Avon, but in which street?
Question 50 – Which is the only place in Wales which gets a significant mentioned in one of Shakespeare’s plays?
Round 10 – British Isles
Question 51 – The River Avon which flows through Stratford eventually joins the River Severn in which town?
Question 52 – Which river forms most of the boundary between Co Antrim and Co Down?
Question 53 - In which British town can a married couple win a flitch of bacon if they can persuade a jury of 6 maidens and 6 bachelors that in twelvemonth and a day they have never wished themselves unmarried.
Question 54 – What did Henry Beck map out in 1932
Question 55 – Most of Britain’s national parks were designated in the 1950’s, the Peak District being the first. But the newest national park was designated in 2006. Which one is it.?
Round 11 – World Geography
Question 56 – What is the largest lake through which the equator passes?
Question 57 – Which is further north – Stratford-Upon-Avon, Amsterdam or Berlin?
Question 58 – If all capital cities in the world were listed alphabetically, which would come last?
Question 59 – What links the singing partner of a mud-loving Swan and the birthplace in 1512 of the father of modern scientific cartography?
Question 60 – Name this city. Located 55 degrees north and 83 degrees east, it became in 1962 the youngest city in the world with a population of over 1m. Head for the station, and you can take a train westwards for 2 days without leaving the country. Change platforms and you can take a train eastwards for 4 days also without leaving the country. Head down the street past the sign to the academic town 30 km away and past the concert hall where its most famous son still occasionally plays and you will arrive at a river with a short name but a long journey – it will flow for a further 2000km northwards. On August 1st 2008 the city had a dark day. Which city?
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
A Very Spatial Quiz
I ran a quiz at the AGI conference. By general consent, it was probably a bit too difficult. The winning team scored 40 points out of 60, which I guess proves that.
Anyway the first part consisted of written questions, and I am repeating them here. Answers will be posted in a few days.
In each case, name the town or city (& click on pictures to enlarge and don't look at the name of the picture).

‘These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray’
It is made by combining sugar, glucose and water then boiling more fiercely in smaller pots. After cooling for several minutes, half on ounce of oil of peppermint is added to every 40 lb of mix. The blend is poured by hand into shallow trays where it hardens quickly and is rapidly transferred out of the sugar boiling room and wrapped. It has a subtle but stimulating flavor, cool in summer, fiery in winter and has a unique blend of textures, smooth and hard, but always creamy when sucked.



64 9 N 21 58 W


Anyway the first part consisted of written questions, and I am repeating them here. Answers will be posted in a few days.
In each case, name the town or city (& click on pictures to enlarge and don't look at the name of the picture).

‘These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray’
It is made by combining sugar, glucose and water then boiling more fiercely in smaller pots. After cooling for several minutes, half on ounce of oil of peppermint is added to every 40 lb of mix. The blend is poured by hand into shallow trays where it hardens quickly and is rapidly transferred out of the sugar boiling room and wrapped. It has a subtle but stimulating flavor, cool in summer, fiery in winter and has a unique blend of textures, smooth and hard, but always creamy when sucked.



64 9 N 21 58 W



Monday, 6 October 2008
Parliamo Geo (part 2)
Oh dear! A few days ago I did a post about the language of geography and how sometimes the specialist language used by geographers to talk to geographers is incomprehensible to the layman. I didn't give any examples.
Little did I know that an example would arise so quickly. There is a new job advert in the Guardian for a Spatial Analysis Co-Ordinator in the Department of Communities and Local Government. It states the following - 'Traditional spatial analysis is embedded with our analysts but we wish to extend into quantitative techniques such as spatial statistics and spatial modelling. The second area we wish to strengthen is online publishing of geographic information. This is already well developed, but we want to go further, to explore the potential of emerging web techniques to sharing place related knowledge.'
No doubt those at whom it is aimed might know exactly what this job entails, but I think the language used could have been a bit more understandable.
And so, almost inevitably, the press has picked up on this. Here is an article in the Telegraph.
And then a follow-up article.
And so, just as we are trying to get the importance of place highlighted throughout government, we lay ourselves open to a degree of ridicule though our use of rather baffling language.
The frustrating thing is that this job is a useful and necessary one. But the language used confuses rather than clarifies.
I think we need to be more aware of the importance, and consequences, of language.
Little did I know that an example would arise so quickly. There is a new job advert in the Guardian for a Spatial Analysis Co-Ordinator in the Department of Communities and Local Government. It states the following - 'Traditional spatial analysis is embedded with our analysts but we wish to extend into quantitative techniques such as spatial statistics and spatial modelling. The second area we wish to strengthen is online publishing of geographic information. This is already well developed, but we want to go further, to explore the potential of emerging web techniques to sharing place related knowledge.'
No doubt those at whom it is aimed might know exactly what this job entails, but I think the language used could have been a bit more understandable.
And so, almost inevitably, the press has picked up on this. Here is an article in the Telegraph.
And then a follow-up article.
And so, just as we are trying to get the importance of place highlighted throughout government, we lay ourselves open to a degree of ridicule though our use of rather baffling language.
The frustrating thing is that this job is a useful and necessary one. But the language used confuses rather than clarifies.
I think we need to be more aware of the importance, and consequences, of language.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Storm on the beach

Today I saw some geography in action. Coastal erosion in fact. I am in Malaga for a few days. Yesterday there was an almighty storm. The gale force wind was parallel to the coast and the waves were crashing on the shore at an angle.
Today all is quiet But the Malaga beach has been transformed. One end is almost devoid of sand. The other end is full of sand, and stones and debris and driftwood etc. The local council lorries are busy cleaning up the far end and transporting sand back to the other end. No doubt tomorrow the beach will be as before. But this is a graphic example of the effects of longshore drift.
Today all is quiet But the Malaga beach has been transformed. One end is almost devoid of sand. The other end is full of sand, and stones and debris and driftwood etc. The local council lorries are busy cleaning up the far end and transporting sand back to the other end. No doubt tomorrow the beach will be as before. But this is a graphic example of the effects of longshore drift.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Parliamo Geo
I have been with the AGI now for over three years. I arrived as the Finance Officer from the world of the arts with no knowledge of GIS.
As the recent debate about the content of this year´s conference has shown, there is an ongoing debate within the GI world on many subjects and particularly about the march of technological progress and its effects. I wish I understood more about the issues, but somehow I don´t always grasp the nuances of the debates.
I don´t think I am stupid. So why are the concepts so tricky for me? I have tried my best, as shown by the existence of this blog. But now I am beginning to think that the problem is not the concepts themselves, but the language used by geographers to explain the concepts. This language is evolving as a tool for geographer to speak to geographer. But as geographers learn that language and use that language, it creates an increasing barrier between the geographers and the layman. And an idea only takes shape once language is used to communicate that idea.
So ironically, just as the technology is making GIS more accessible to the public, the language is making GIS increasingly less accessible. It is almost as if geographers are uncomfortable with widening access to their ideas beyond a perceived audience.
I have always assumed that the concepts are too difficult for me to grasp, and rather accepted that position. But what if the concepts are easy and it is only the language which is difficult?
That doesn´t leave me in any better a position, but it does prevent me from doubting my own intelligence.
At the recent AGI Conference, I was room monitor on a number of occasions. And during some of these presentations, I felt that I was listening to a foreign language. Yet at other times a complicated concept became obvious because of the skills of the presenter.
The balance between being patronising and being elitist is a fine one. When I produce my finance reports, I realise that they must be accurate and comprehensive, yet understandable to a range of readers. And if occasionally I repeat things or become too simplistic, well to be honest that is fine if at the same time this makes issues understandable to all.
So rather than giving up on GI concepts, I shall now listen to presentations or read reports with a more questioning attitude on the language used. And maybe, just maybe, I shall reach enlightenment, if not yet, perhaps, nirvana.
As the recent debate about the content of this year´s conference has shown, there is an ongoing debate within the GI world on many subjects and particularly about the march of technological progress and its effects. I wish I understood more about the issues, but somehow I don´t always grasp the nuances of the debates.
I don´t think I am stupid. So why are the concepts so tricky for me? I have tried my best, as shown by the existence of this blog. But now I am beginning to think that the problem is not the concepts themselves, but the language used by geographers to explain the concepts. This language is evolving as a tool for geographer to speak to geographer. But as geographers learn that language and use that language, it creates an increasing barrier between the geographers and the layman. And an idea only takes shape once language is used to communicate that idea.
So ironically, just as the technology is making GIS more accessible to the public, the language is making GIS increasingly less accessible. It is almost as if geographers are uncomfortable with widening access to their ideas beyond a perceived audience.
I have always assumed that the concepts are too difficult for me to grasp, and rather accepted that position. But what if the concepts are easy and it is only the language which is difficult?
That doesn´t leave me in any better a position, but it does prevent me from doubting my own intelligence.
At the recent AGI Conference, I was room monitor on a number of occasions. And during some of these presentations, I felt that I was listening to a foreign language. Yet at other times a complicated concept became obvious because of the skills of the presenter.
The balance between being patronising and being elitist is a fine one. When I produce my finance reports, I realise that they must be accurate and comprehensive, yet understandable to a range of readers. And if occasionally I repeat things or become too simplistic, well to be honest that is fine if at the same time this makes issues understandable to all.
So rather than giving up on GI concepts, I shall now listen to presentations or read reports with a more questioning attitude on the language used. And maybe, just maybe, I shall reach enlightenment, if not yet, perhaps, nirvana.
Friday, 26 September 2008
AGI GeoCommunity´08 - part 2
Some of the delegates who attended the conference have written blogs. Not all were entirely complimentary, though the criticism was about content and not organisation.
Since I am the finance guy at the AGI and not a geographer, I cannot really comment on the overall content or direction of the conference. Except perhaps to say that with nearly 600 delegates, the content will not reflect everyone´s views on every occasion. And some of the quality of presentation was, in my view, variable. But if the sessions have stimulated debate, then surely that is a good thing.
Yes the final session was a bit flat, and we will have to look at that for next year. How to conclude a conference on a high note is a difficult issue for us - especially as many delegates are keen to catch trains or to get home before dark. Keeping a buzz right up to the last minute is not easy.
From a personal viewpoint, I thought the conference went well. Being the accountant, I had to come out of my confort zone. I had to run the Icebreaker evening, attend a number of sessions, deliver the finance report and generally keep a profile that is a bit higher than I am used to. I was pleased at how well I acheived that. I thought the AGI team and volunteers were exceptional. All took their responsibilities very seriously and gelled very well. We, the AGI Team, get paid for what we do. The volunteers are exactly that - unpaid volunteers. My admiration for them knows no bounds. The conference would not happen without them. They were great.
We will of course have a debrief. Next year we will strive to make the conference bigger and better. But to bring 600 delegates to Stratford, manage all of their arrangements, produce a conference of a high standard, and have many of them intending to return next year, is a considerable achievement.
I am happy with that as a reflection on the past three days.
Since I am the finance guy at the AGI and not a geographer, I cannot really comment on the overall content or direction of the conference. Except perhaps to say that with nearly 600 delegates, the content will not reflect everyone´s views on every occasion. And some of the quality of presentation was, in my view, variable. But if the sessions have stimulated debate, then surely that is a good thing.
Yes the final session was a bit flat, and we will have to look at that for next year. How to conclude a conference on a high note is a difficult issue for us - especially as many delegates are keen to catch trains or to get home before dark. Keeping a buzz right up to the last minute is not easy.
From a personal viewpoint, I thought the conference went well. Being the accountant, I had to come out of my confort zone. I had to run the Icebreaker evening, attend a number of sessions, deliver the finance report and generally keep a profile that is a bit higher than I am used to. I was pleased at how well I acheived that. I thought the AGI team and volunteers were exceptional. All took their responsibilities very seriously and gelled very well. We, the AGI Team, get paid for what we do. The volunteers are exactly that - unpaid volunteers. My admiration for them knows no bounds. The conference would not happen without them. They were great.
We will of course have a debrief. Next year we will strive to make the conference bigger and better. But to bring 600 delegates to Stratford, manage all of their arrangements, produce a conference of a high standard, and have many of them intending to return next year, is a considerable achievement.
I am happy with that as a reflection on the past three days.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
AGI GeoCommunity´08
The conference is over. I have returned from Stratford upon Avon after the 2008 AGI Conference. I am exhausted, but very pleased with the way it went. A lot of people did a lot of work to make sure it went well.
The AGI Conference is always a bit strange for me, especially since my training is not in geography. It is a mixture of hard work and alcohol and not much sleep. And most of the work is different to what I am used to back in the office.
The work started on Tuesday when the team had to stuff a huge number of inserts into 600 delegate bags. My back hurt. Then in the evening came the pre-conference Icebreaker event. It´s the first time we have had one of these, and, scarily, I found myself volunteering to run it. I decided to run a dinner, a quiz and a theatrical event - Buffet, Brains and Bard.
So I found myself on stage leading a ´Very Spatial Quiz´. It was not long into this that I realised that perhaps I´d made the questions too difficult, but there was nothing I could do now. So on I went. I got particularly nervous over question 20 where I had to sing the question. But anyway I got through it and it didn´t go too badly.Then came the ´Earl of Oxford´s Men´ who did two performances from Shakespeare, one from Henry V and one from Midsummer Night´s Dream. The standard of acting was mixed but overall it was fine and delegates enjoyed both pieces. Finally I gave the quiz answers and announced the winners. The winning team got 40 points out of a possible 60 which I guess shows how tough the quiz was.
Over the next two days I was heartened by the number of delegates who came up to me to tell me how much they´d enjoyed the evening. Next day, feeling a bit groggy from the glasses of wine I´d had the previous night, I was room monitor in the Blenheim Room. No real difficulty there - just handing the microphone round during question sessions. At the AGI AGM, I then had to deliver the Finance report. The news was good, and although I do get nervous when delivering prepared reports, it went okay. AGI is in an improving financial position thanks to collective effort and a high degree of budgetary responsibility from team and Council.
That evening I dressed up in a very spiky wig for the party which had an eighties theme. It was fun. Crucially, I did not drink too much and went to bed shortly after midnight. Next day I felt okay and resumed my room monitoring duties and, despite briefly dozing off on a couple of occasions, got though them without incident.
And suddenly the conference was over. Tomorrow I will reflect a bit more about the conference. For today, I am just tapping into the positive remarks from delegates. I take my share of a collective pride in a job well done.
The AGI Conference is always a bit strange for me, especially since my training is not in geography. It is a mixture of hard work and alcohol and not much sleep. And most of the work is different to what I am used to back in the office.
The work started on Tuesday when the team had to stuff a huge number of inserts into 600 delegate bags. My back hurt. Then in the evening came the pre-conference Icebreaker event. It´s the first time we have had one of these, and, scarily, I found myself volunteering to run it. I decided to run a dinner, a quiz and a theatrical event - Buffet, Brains and Bard.
So I found myself on stage leading a ´Very Spatial Quiz´. It was not long into this that I realised that perhaps I´d made the questions too difficult, but there was nothing I could do now. So on I went. I got particularly nervous over question 20 where I had to sing the question. But anyway I got through it and it didn´t go too badly.Then came the ´Earl of Oxford´s Men´ who did two performances from Shakespeare, one from Henry V and one from Midsummer Night´s Dream. The standard of acting was mixed but overall it was fine and delegates enjoyed both pieces. Finally I gave the quiz answers and announced the winners. The winning team got 40 points out of a possible 60 which I guess shows how tough the quiz was.
Over the next two days I was heartened by the number of delegates who came up to me to tell me how much they´d enjoyed the evening. Next day, feeling a bit groggy from the glasses of wine I´d had the previous night, I was room monitor in the Blenheim Room. No real difficulty there - just handing the microphone round during question sessions. At the AGI AGM, I then had to deliver the Finance report. The news was good, and although I do get nervous when delivering prepared reports, it went okay. AGI is in an improving financial position thanks to collective effort and a high degree of budgetary responsibility from team and Council.
That evening I dressed up in a very spiky wig for the party which had an eighties theme. It was fun. Crucially, I did not drink too much and went to bed shortly after midnight. Next day I felt okay and resumed my room monitoring duties and, despite briefly dozing off on a couple of occasions, got though them without incident.
And suddenly the conference was over. Tomorrow I will reflect a bit more about the conference. For today, I am just tapping into the positive remarks from delegates. I take my share of a collective pride in a job well done.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Heading for Stratford upon Avon
I realise that there has been a huge gap in posts to this blog recently. But work at AGI has been continuing and the largest event of the year, our annual conference, takes place next week in Stratford upon Avon.
We´ve all worked hard on it, the programme is varied and of high quality, we have nearly 600 delegates booked-up. I have my outfit for the party! I am looking forward to the whole event.
We´ve all worked hard on it, the programme is varied and of high quality, we have nearly 600 delegates booked-up. I have my outfit for the party! I am looking forward to the whole event.
Friday, 6 June 2008
This week the Conference team have been in Stratford-Upon-Avon sorting our the programme for our annual conference which will take place there in September.
It was a long, tiring process. We had to read all of the submitted papers and decide on those which will be accepted. We then drew us a programme by slotting the accepted papers into themed slots. We agreed plenary sessions, workshops, debates etc. And finally we drew everything together in a coherent manner.
I think it has worked very well and I think we have a really strong conference. Details will be released within a few days once speakers have been contacted. Watch this space for the countdown to the conference.
It was a long, tiring process. We had to read all of the submitted papers and decide on those which will be accepted. We then drew us a programme by slotting the accepted papers into themed slots. We agreed plenary sessions, workshops, debates etc. And finally we drew everything together in a coherent manner.
I think it has worked very well and I think we have a really strong conference. Details will be released within a few days once speakers have been contacted. Watch this space for the countdown to the conference.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
The control of finances at AGI are my responsibility. But of course the results come from the heard work of the whole team. Today the AGI Council approved the audited accounts for 2007. After small surpluses in 2005 and 2006, we made a surplus of over £45,000 in 2007. And now our financial base is stronger than it has been for some time.
This is excellent news and means that at AGI we face the future in confident mode.
This is excellent news and means that at AGI we face the future in confident mode.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Strategy 2008
Each year, AGI produces a strategy for the year ahead. This is driven by the Chair of the organisation. Because the Chair only serves for one year, there is a danger that strategy can lack continuity. But recently the strategy has deliberately built on that of the previous year. And the strategy for 2008 is very much an evolution from what we strived to achieve in 2007.
This year we have 5 objectives -
Objective 1 – Membership
To strengthen and grow the membership base, by focusing on GI issues of
interest and relevance to members.
Objective 2 - Events
To run a programme of events that is relevant to the membership and breaks
into new areas of interest.
Objective 3 – Outreach
To work with outside bodies and seek partnerships with three other relevant
professional organisations to promote the AGI’s mission and the use of
Geographic Information (GI) in other communities, both regionally and
Objective 4 - AGI Council and policy making
To identify and discuss the major issues relating to GI or affecting the GI
community, to determine policy through the elected Council, with input from
members, and to provide appropriate responses either as expert views to
government or information to members.
Objective 5 - Finance
To ensure the long-term financial stability of the AGI and seek to replenish
the financial reserves.
That seems to me to be a pretty good list. Now we need to head off and try to achieve them.
This year we have 5 objectives -
Objective 1 – Membership
To strengthen and grow the membership base, by focusing on GI issues of
interest and relevance to members.
Objective 2 - Events
To run a programme of events that is relevant to the membership and breaks
into new areas of interest.
Objective 3 – Outreach
To work with outside bodies and seek partnerships with three other relevant
professional organisations to promote the AGI’s mission and the use of
Geographic Information (GI) in other communities, both regionally and
Objective 4 - AGI Council and policy making
To identify and discuss the major issues relating to GI or affecting the GI
community, to determine policy through the elected Council, with input from
members, and to provide appropriate responses either as expert views to
government or information to members.
Objective 5 - Finance
To ensure the long-term financial stability of the AGI and seek to replenish
the financial reserves.
That seems to me to be a pretty good list. Now we need to head off and try to achieve them.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Geospatial Metadata
For a number of years, the AGI has been running a geospatial metadata service called GiGateway. This has been funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government.
Recently, this funding beyond March 2008 has been in doubt. We were keen to continue to run the service beyond this date, both beacuse it is useful for the AGI and because we believe in the UK having access to up-to-date relevant metadata. Also, under the INSPIRE directive, the UK must prodide a metatdata service from 2009. So stopping the service on 2008 only to find that it meeds to be resurrected in 2009 did not seem to be sensible.
We have engaged constructively with the Department for Communities and Local Govermnment over this. We did this logically and unemotionally. I am pleased to say that this engagement has had a positive result and our responsibility for running GiGateway has been extended to March 2009, albeit on a care and maintenance basis.
For this we are grateful to the Department. We intend to use this time not only to ensure that GiGateway is maintained, but also that some improvements are made to the public interface and that the awareness of the service for users is also improved. If in 2009 it is to handed over to another department or organisation, then we will ensure that it is fit for purpose.
Recently, this funding beyond March 2008 has been in doubt. We were keen to continue to run the service beyond this date, both beacuse it is useful for the AGI and because we believe in the UK having access to up-to-date relevant metadata. Also, under the INSPIRE directive, the UK must prodide a metatdata service from 2009. So stopping the service on 2008 only to find that it meeds to be resurrected in 2009 did not seem to be sensible.
We have engaged constructively with the Department for Communities and Local Govermnment over this. We did this logically and unemotionally. I am pleased to say that this engagement has had a positive result and our responsibility for running GiGateway has been extended to March 2009, albeit on a care and maintenance basis.
For this we are grateful to the Department. We intend to use this time not only to ensure that GiGateway is maintained, but also that some improvements are made to the public interface and that the awareness of the service for users is also improved. If in 2009 it is to handed over to another department or organisation, then we will ensure that it is fit for purpose.
Friday, 4 January 2008
2008 - what's ahead?
So what is there to look forward to in 2008?
Well generally in GI, I guess there will be more advances in technology. These will bring GI to the masses even if they would not recognise it as being GI. Google and Microsoft will produce better and more detailed maps. Commercial mapping companies will be concentrating on the added value they can provide for their specific clientele. The Location Strategy will be published and we hope that Government will see this as the beginning of a process and not the end of a process. The implementation of the INSPIRE Directive will be debated and hopefully decisions will be made to facilitate the implementation in the UK by hte 2009 deadline.
At the Association for Geographic Information, we must remain relevant and continually assess our relevance to all sectors within our membership. We will run a series of events which I hope will be useful and well attended. We will run a fantastic annual conference in September in Stratford upon Avon. We will deliver good value to our members for their membership fee and hopefully increase our membership base. And we will continue to be financially viable.
As for me personally, I intend to learn more about the world of GI, continue to represent the AGI to the best of my ability and do my best to keep the organisation profitable. And, by keeping work and life in balance, I hope to reduce my golf handicap!
Well generally in GI, I guess there will be more advances in technology. These will bring GI to the masses even if they would not recognise it as being GI. Google and Microsoft will produce better and more detailed maps. Commercial mapping companies will be concentrating on the added value they can provide for their specific clientele. The Location Strategy will be published and we hope that Government will see this as the beginning of a process and not the end of a process. The implementation of the INSPIRE Directive will be debated and hopefully decisions will be made to facilitate the implementation in the UK by hte 2009 deadline.
At the Association for Geographic Information, we must remain relevant and continually assess our relevance to all sectors within our membership. We will run a series of events which I hope will be useful and well attended. We will run a fantastic annual conference in September in Stratford upon Avon. We will deliver good value to our members for their membership fee and hopefully increase our membership base. And we will continue to be financially viable.
As for me personally, I intend to learn more about the world of GI, continue to represent the AGI to the best of my ability and do my best to keep the organisation profitable. And, by keeping work and life in balance, I hope to reduce my golf handicap!
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