Saturday, 25 August 2007

GI North of the Border

On Tuesday I went to Edinburgh to attend a meeting of the AGI Scotland Executive. I remain impressed by the positive commitment to GI north of the border and by the collective commitment of the AGIS Executive to lead progress. It would appear that a change in Government to an SNP administration will also do no harm in pursuing a Scottish dimension for GI and in particular to taking forward a Scottish Spatial Data Initiative.

There is an AGIS conference in Edinburgh on 15th November with the title 'Inspiring Scotland' which will take that process and investigate aspects of how to move forward particularly in relation to the 'One Scotland, One Geography' paper which was produced recently for the Scottish Executive. It is described as an ideas forum and open competition to encourage and promote innovative thinking connecting the places, spaces and faces of Scotland.

It is good to see a united commitment to GI without the petty bickering which has hindered progress elsewhere.